About Us

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  • Our Mission

    The mission of the University of Miami, Linda Ray Intervention Center is to support and facilitate positive developmental outcomes with high-quality services, thereby improving young children's school readiness, and future student achievement.

  • Who We Are

    The center comprises a team of highly trained professionals, including researchers, psychologists, therapists, and early childhood educators.  As a Multidisciplinary Educational Services Center, we bring a unique targeted approach to the mechanisms of support, service delivery, training, and dissemination of information to reach the most vulnerable, hardest-to-reach students and their families.

  • Areas We Serve

    The center is committed to providing brighter tomorrows to South Florida’s children and families in need. Our services are available to children and families in Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Broward County.

  • Our History

    The University of Miami, Linda Ray Intervention Center was opened in 1993 by Wendall and Linda Ray's charitable organization, Infants in Need, and formed a partnership with the University of Miami's Department of Psychology as a research and teaching institute with the guiding vision of the late Keith G. Scott, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, and Co-Founder.

    In Memoriam:  Under Dr. Scott's supervision and tutelage, he helped spearhead the center's creation, development, and community standing. 

    Lynne Katz, Ed.D, Research Associate Professor, took the reins as Director in 1994 and was a tremendous asset in expanding the center’s mission and leading the center's growth until her retirement in 2021.

    Learn more about our program and the center’s mission as described by Dr. Katz in Bringing Communities Together.